Easy Bacon and Egg Cups: A Delicious Breakfast Treat

Enjoy a simple and delicious breakfast with our Easy Bacon and Egg Cups recipe. Perfect for busy mornings or lazy weekends! 🥓🍳 #breakfast #recipe

Start your day off right with these delicious and simple bacon and egg cups. Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast or a tasty brunch option, these savory treats are sure to satisfy your cravings. Made with just a few ingredients, they're easy to whip up in no time.

Easy Bacon and Egg Cups: A Delicious Breakfast Treat
Easy Bacon and Egg Cups

Prep time: 10 mins

Cook time: 20 mins

Total time: 30 mins

Serving: 6 bacon and egg cups


  • 6 slices of bacon
  • 6 large eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: grated cheese, chopped vegetables like bell peppers or spinach


Step 1

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and grease a muffin tin.

Step 2

Line each muffin cup with a slice of bacon, making sure to cover the bottom and sides.

Step 3

Crack an egg into each bacon-lined cup.

Step 4

Season with salt and pepper, and add any optional ingredients like grated cheese or chopped vegetables.

Step 5

Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the egg whites are set and the bacon is crispy.

Step 6

Remove from the oven and let cool for a few minutes before serving.

Nutrition Information (per serving)

  • Calories: 150
  • Fat: 10g
  • Protein: 12g
  • Carbohydrates: 1g

Variations and Substitutions

  • For a healthier option, use turkey bacon instead of regular bacon.
  • Experiment with different types of cheese, such as cheddar or feta.
  • Add herbs like parsley or chives for extra flavor.

Chef's Tips and Tricks

  • Use thick-cut bacon for best results, as it holds its shape better.
  • To prevent the eggs from spilling over, crack them into a small bowl before pouring into the muffin cups.
  • If you prefer your yolks runny, bake the bacon cups for a shorter amount of time.


In conclusion, these easy bacon and egg cups are a delicious and satisfying breakfast option that's perfect for busy mornings or lazy weekends. With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, you can enjoy a tasty meal that will keep you fueled throughout the day. Try them out for yourself and see why they're a favorite among breakfast lovers everywhere!


Can I make these ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare these bacon and egg cups ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator. Simply reheat them in the oven or microwave before serving.

Can I freeze these bacon and egg cups?

Yes, you can freeze these bacon and egg cups for later. Wrap them individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, then store them in a freezer-safe container. To reheat, simply thaw in the refrigerator overnight and then bake in the oven until heated through.

Can I make these without bacon?

Yes, you can make these egg cups without bacon if you prefer. Simply grease the muffin tin well and crack the eggs directly into the cups. You can also use ham or sausage instead of bacon if you like.

Can I make these bacon and egg cups in a muffin tin without using bacon strips?

Yes, if you prefer not to use bacon strips, you can line the muffin tin with thinly sliced ham or turkey slices instead. Simply press the slices into the muffin cups before cracking the eggs.

Can I customize these bacon and egg cups for special dietary needs, such as keto or gluten-free?

Absolutely! These bacon and egg cups are highly adaptable. For a keto-friendly version, omit any optional ingredients high in carbohydrates and ensure the bacon and other ingredients are free from added sugars. For a gluten-free option, double-check that all ingredients, including any added seasonings, are gluten-free certified.

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